Friday, September 29, 2017

Day 1- Thankfulness

Today starts the 8 day mini blog and card creations highlighting 8 things I am thankful for!

DAY 1- Thankful for Family

Family can come in all shapes, sizes and  colours. Sometimes our family can annoy us and push us to our limits but we know deep down that there is much love ❤️ there. Having started my own family a few years ago I can say I have learned to appreciate mine more for their sacrifices and patience with me (mom, dad, Neil & Andre). I have grown up and seen how life changes and takes those we love from us too soon.

Enjoy the moments with your family. If there are ties that have been hurt or broken try and mend them. If there are cousin, aunts, uncles, etc you haven't seen in awhile call them (Shalini Lobo,Cyndi,Anita Karunakar & Sue ) and try to make a plan to hug them and love them!

Here's  Day 1 card  1- Family Card of thankfulness

Thankful for Family!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Happy 2017 - help keep me on track!

So as the busyness of the holidays are now behind us we embark on a new year 2017!

We start by making big plans and goals for 2017- things to do, places to visit, weight to loose! Then somewhere along the way we make excuses and veer off in another direction. Sometimes coming back or just pitching it out the door and doing whatever comes to mind.

How to do you stay on track?

One of my many goals is to be more intentional-with baby number two on the way and still trying to adjust to toddler Joshua I would like people to know that I'm not totally wrapped up in my family and I do think of them in-between laundry, meal prep and all the other hundreds of things that I do throughout the day. It's a hard thing to do because it does take up so much time but I think it important that people feel loved, thought of and even considered. For me should be somewhat easier as I make cards.... so what better way that giving someone a card to express your thoughts about them!

Valentine's Day is coming up and so is Easter.... look out for a chance to win 3 Free Valentine's Day cards to send to those people in your life your thinking of!

Happy 2017!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Pinterest crazies!

So I have been doing a lot of crafting and Pinterest searches and WOW! Have you ever gotten so caught up in Pinterest that you get all these ideas and your original small party or event milestone event has turned into and overloaded excitement of Pinterest? So mucho money later, the event has come and gone and you're so thrilled and excited that it's over- you're proud of yourself for doing a great job and vowed to never go over board again? Until your next event comes along and the excitement cannot be contained and you find yourself on Pinterest again?! LOL

IDK maybe it's just me? It can't be just me...

Anyways, there's always something new and exciting around the corner, big and small. If you need help finding an idea or using StylisticCreationsbyMia for your next Pinterest find.  I would love to help!

On a side note anyone have any thoughts about baby showers for a second or third baby?

Baby cards

Monday, May 30, 2016

Life changes...

Change is one of those things that just happens regardless of our desires a lot of the time. One day we meet that special someone, we choose to get married. Then you may choose to buy a house or rent one with your new wife! Then jobs may change, bills come, babies are made and you find yourself a different person. Changed by the events of life and the choices you have made. Sometimes change brings about sadness and illness in the family or death of a friend. Sometime good friends move away. Sometime they just move on in life and your once bestie has no time for you. It can be joyous or defeating.

We have one life to live, isn't that the saying YOLO?!  You only live once, make the most out of everyday as we are not promised tomorrow. We have blessings all around us. I know often it may suck and it seems like the odds are against you (us) but there is always a light in the darkness.

For all the life changes you have, StylisticCreationsbyMia is there for them and there for you!

Obats fam you will be missed
Simone I hope you feel better soon
Seto's your new bundle is almost here
Jay you're getting married, I'm so excited for my little brother!

Much love

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Considering Others!

Did you know that the chime of wedding bells symbolizes something other than " TADA" someone got married?

Wedding bells were used as a symbol to ward away evil spirits and bless the happy couple for a wonderful life ahead! But I couldn't tell you the last time I heard bells go off for a wedding; what a sweet tradition gone out the window. 

I am sure there are a lot of traditions that people still incorporate into their weddings but many that have been forgotten or deemed "old". Just think, people use to hand deliver their invitations. Now some people email/evite their invites. I understand that Canada Post isn't cheap, but still, there is nothing like getting physical mail. Getting a letter or card in the mail has also become a thing of the past with the exception of major holidays and even that is going down hill. Maybe it is because we see so many bills we don't look forward to that anymore? I'm not sure about you but I look forward to getting cards and  family newsletters in the mail! Yes people write family news letters and mail them (Taylor Family)!

As wedding season approaches please remember a few things:

  1. Weddings are a fun time filled with much love and celebrations
  2. People like to be thought of and considered special
  3. In a time where technology is everywhere don't forget the PEOPLE around you. Your iPhone won't be there when you need a hug. Your laptop won't be there to raise a glass at your wedding with you, congratulating you on this huge event in your life.
  4. Stylistic Creations is here to help you achieve 1,2, and 3 by providing wedding assistance with invites, programs, decor and thank yous. As well as custom cards for wedding party members or other special people.                                        

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A long time coming

Stylistic Creations by Mia has been in the works for who knows how long. A good friend of mine told me years ago (Crystal) "what's the worse that can happen?" However, my worse fears were huge and I liked the idea of what may be, without the risk of disappointment. Well 2016 is the year for stepping out and trying!

Welcome to 
I have a lot of custom artwork to offer that has my unique handiwork added to it! I have a few hopes for this blog:

1. To engage you to read and experience crafting fun
2. To showcase artwork that you can purchase to give to the special people in your life 
3. To allow me to be a part of your special moments by helping you have a product that adds to wonderful memories. 

Please share and like my blog on Facebook/Twitter or share directly with friends, family and whomever else you think will enjoy Stylistic Creations by Mia. Also please follow this blog to stay up to date on what's new and what's going on!